Roll of Honour

This list of soldiers, who died in the First World War has been compiled from a Colne Valley Almanac dated 1918.  It contains the Local Roll of Honour detailing the soldiers who fell.    Following the Roll of Honour is a list of Local Military Honours.   Both lists are supplemented with many photographs of the soldiers.

Please note the names of the soldiers are listed underneath their photographs when available.

Private ALBERT TOYNE, West Riding Regt. was killed in action by a sniper on October 25th 1916. A native of Lincoln, he had lived in Slaithwaite for four years, being employed as a baker at the Slaithwaite Co-operative Society. He was a regular attender at the Parish Church.

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Private FRANCE BAILEY, Northumberland Fusiliers, was killed in action near Salonica on the 30th October 1916. He was the son of Mr and Mrs. Jim Bailey, New House, Moorside, Slaithwaite.

Private FRANK UNDERWOOD, East Yorks. Regt, who came to Slaithwaite from London four years ago, and was apprenticed to Mr. Henry Walker, tailor, Hill Top, was reported as missing, and subsequently killed on November 8th 1916.

Private HERBERT BOWER, aged 36. Of the Royal Sussex Regt., whose home was at Wellhouse, but prior to joining up was a porter at Crosland Moor Workhouse, was killed in action on October 21st 1916. Private Bower served through the South African War as a stretcher-bearer. He left a widow and three children.

Private ARTHUR LEWIS SMITH (20), West Riding Regiment was killed in action at Ypres on the 7th of December 1915.

Private AMOS HIRST (39) Duke of Wellington’s West Riding Regiment, son of Mr. Albert Halstead, Armitage Road, Milnsbridge, died on November 12th 1916, from wounds received in action in France.

Mr. and Mrs. Cassell, of Golcar Brow, Meltham, received official information that their son, Corporal  J.  CASSELL, was killed on the 26th October, 1916 at the age of 19 years.

Private  PERCY HALSTEAD,  Duke of Wellington's West Riding Regiment, son of Mr. Albert Halstead, Armitage Road, Milnsbridge, died on November 12th, 1916, from wounds received in action in France.

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Rifleman HARRY WHITWAM, of 9 Church Street, Golcar and the King’s Royal Rifles, was wounded on December 4th 1916, and died shortly afterwards as a result of the wounds. He was 19 years of age, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whitwam.

Private  HERBERT CROWTHER  (24), Northumberland Fusiliers, of James Street, Golcar, died of wounds received in action in France, january 20th, 1917.

Pte. WALKER WHITWAM, son of Mrs. Whitwam, of 86 Handel Street, Golcar, died from wounds received in action on December 2nd 1916. He was in active association with the Golcar Baptist Chapel and the Liberal Club. Mrs. Whitwam has three older sons and two sons-in-law serving with the army.

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Whitwam, of Scapegoat Hill, Golcar, were advised of the death of their eldest son, Private JAMES EDWARD WRAY, aged 38 years on the 28th October 1916. He was a member of the Scapegoat Hill Brass Band.

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Private ARNOLD HIRST, Duke of Wellington’s west Riding Regiment, of 15, Dowker Street, Milnsbridge, died in hospital November 12th 1916, from wounds received in action.

Private TOM WALKER LEE, Northumberland Fusiliers, of 3, Thornhill, Longwood, died in a casualty clearing station in France on November 19th 1916.

Sergeant ALBERT GLEDHILL, Duke of Wellington’s West Riding Regt., of 64 Cliffe End Hill, Longwood, died in hospital in France on December 13th 1916 from wounds received in action.

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Seaman NORMAN HIRST, (22), of 30, Ingfield Terrace, Manchester Road, Linthwaite died in hospital at Plymouth, December 4th, 1916 after an illness extending over 10 weeks.

Pte. HAROLD S. HANSON, West Riding Regiment, of 166 Scarr Lane, Milnsbridge, died from wounds received in action in France.

Private JOHN WOODHOUSE DYSON (37), who resided with his sister at 18 Ballroyd Longwood, was reported killed towards the end of February.

The death of Private JOHN DISKIN (31), Duke of Wellington’s Regt., who had been reported wounded and missing since August 9th 1915, in the Dardanelles, was reported in January, 1917, as being presumed dead by the War Office. He resided at Outlane, and was a cornet player in the Slaithwaite Brass Band.

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Pte. FRED AINLEY (23), W. R. Regt., of Bolster Moor, Golcar, was killed in action in France on January 15th 1917.

Bombardier W. ARMITAGE (23), R. F. A. of Grange Terrace, Marsden, died in hospital January 12th 1917, from shell wounds received in action. He was deputy organist at Marsden Wesleyan Church, and took a deep interest in the Adult School.

Pte. JOHN WM. R. BAMFORTH (20), of 25, Hill Top, Slaithwaite, died in hospital in France on February 23rd, 1917.

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Pte. HARRY ARMITAGE (20), Durham Light Infantry, of 43 Southern Road, Milnsbridge, killed in action in France, Jan. 23, 1917.

(2) Rifleman LEONARD COLLIER (20), Royal Rifle Corps, of 1, Balmford’s Yard, Milnsbridge, died Jan. 29, 1917, from wounds.

Pte. JOE GRANGE (21), Highland Infantry, of Winget Avenue, Cowlersley, Milnsbridge, killed in action in France on Dec. 27th, 1916.

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Lieut. ARNOLD McLINTOCK, Duke of Wellington’s W. R. Regt., was reported as missing on the 3rd of Sept., 1916, but in the February following information was received from the War Office that he had been killed on the date previously given. He was the son of the late Dr. McLintock, formerly in practice at Marsden, and a nephew of Mr. Harold Fisher, of Lingards Wood House, Marsden, with whom he resided. Before the outbreak of war he was a partner in the Ramsden Mill Co., Linthwaite.

Private HARRY HELLAWELL (24), K. O. Y. L. I., of Cowlersley Lane, Milnsbridge, and whose mother resides at 6, station Terrace, Golcar, was killed in action in France during the early part of March.

Segt. P. B. ROYSTON, of Crosland Moor, and of "A" Battery, 168th Brigade R. F. A., died in hospital in France on Dec. 20th, 1916, from wounds received in action. He was the only son of the late Mr. And Mrs. Fred Royston.

Private HAROLD DAWSON (38), York and Lancashire Regiment, and only son of the late Mr. And Mrs. Thomas Henry Dawson, of Milnsbridge, died from wounds received in action in December 1916.

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(1) Private WILLIAM JACKSON (20), Duke of Wellington’s W. R. Regiment, of 4, Upper Side, Linthwaite, killed in action in France on March 15th, 1917.

(2) Private HAROLD SYKES (28), Duke of Wellington's W. R. Regiment, of 15, Ingfield Terrace, Crimble, Slaithwaite, killed in action in France, March 16th, 1917.

Private FRANK MILNES (26), Duke of Wellington’s W. R. Regiment, of Varley Road, Slaithwaite, died in hospital at Clipstone, Notts., April 13th 1917, after a week’s illness.

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Private JOE TAYLOR (30), Duke of Wellington’s West Riding Regiment, of 16, Spring Mill, Milnsbridge, was killed by shell fire during action on February 27th, 1917.

Private LOUIS CLAY (31), Duke of Wellington’s, of 2, Slaids, Linthwaite died February 23rd 1917, from shrapnel wounds received during his first experiences in the trenches.

Private FRED GIBSON (24), attached to Lewis-Gun Section of the Duke of Wellington’s, killed in action on February 21st 1917. His home was at 7, Linfit Hall, Linthwaite.

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Private JAMES ARNOLD DEARNLEY (31), Duke of Wellington’s West Riding Regiment, of 3, Bank Nook, Slaithwaite, died in hospital February 18th, from wounds received in action.

Private HUBERT IRVIN HIRST (21), Duke of Wellington’s West Riding Regiment, of 13, Westend Road, Golcar, was instantaneously killed in action in France on February 16th 1917.

Driver ABRAHAM SMITH (19), 40th Brigade R. F. A., of Fields Head Farm, Upper Clough, Linthwaite, died in hospital at Oxford, February 19th 1917, having been invalidated from the front.

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Private JOHN WILLIAM TAYLOR (33), K. O. Y. L. I., of 21, Scarhouse Fold, Golcar, killed in action in France.

Private TOM BEAUMONT (28), Northumberland Fusiliers, of 22, Grove Street, Hill Top, Slaithwaite, killed in action in France, March 7th 1917.

Private JOHN WALKER (28), Duke of Wellington’s W. R. Regiment, of 130 Lowergate, Longwood, killed in action in France during March.

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Private WILFRID KENWORTHY (28), Northumberland Fusiliers, of 7, Glen Royd, Marsden, killed in action in France on April 28th 1917.

Private FRED TAYLOR (23), Northumberland Fusiliers, of 7, Hanging Royd, Wellhouse, Golcar, died of wounds in France.

Private G. F. DEARNLEY, Duke of Wellington’s Regt., of Thornton Lodge Road, Crosland moor, Killed in action in France.

Private ERNEST HOWELL (31), Lincolnshire Regiment, of 22, Lowestwood Lane, Golcar, killed in action in France, April 28th, 1917.

Private JOHN ARTHUR HELLAWELL (24), Royal Lancaster Regiment, of Oldham, formerly of Longwood, and in the employ of Messrs. Bottomley, contractors, Marsden, was killed in action during April.

Private GEORGE MOORE (23), Motor Ambulance Corps, of 17 Row Street, Crosland Moor, died in hospital in East Africa of malarial fever and dysentery.

Private JOHN AMOS BROOK (25), Middlesex Regt., son of Mrs. Brook, of 29, Bankwell Road, Milnsbridge, formerly employed in an engineering works in London, was killed in action in France at the latter end of April 1917.

Private WILFRED S. BROOK,  (35),  of 21 Ballroyd, Longwood, died from wounds received in action in May, 1917.

Gunner HERBERT WHITTAKER (20), R. F. A., of 56 George Street, Milnsbridge, died from wounds received in action, May, 1917.

Private JOHN ARTHUR FRANCE (29), son of Mr. Allen France, of 19, May Street, Crosland Moor, died from wounds received in action in France. He was married and had lived at Barrow for two years.

Private ALFRED ERNEST CARTER (34), Royal Fusiliers, of Station Street, Meltham, a prominent worker at the Meltham Church, was killed in action in France during May, 1917.

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Lance-Corp. HILTON W. SYKES (22), Northumberland Fusiliers, of Far New Close, Marsden, killed in action in France, February 10th 1917.

Private SAM DYSON, of Bowsers, Pule Side, Marsden, died in a military hospital at Hull on April 17th 1917 after a short illness. He had been in training at various camps in this country..

Private SYDNEY GOULDER (20), of 5, Gladstone Buildings, Marsden, died from gunshot wounds received in action in France, April 18th, 1917.

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Private GEORGE ARMITAGE (36), K. O. Y. L. I., of Swan Inn, Crimble, Slaithwaite, killed in action in France, April 9th 1917.

Private TOM CLAYTON (23), Machine Gun Company, of 15, Lingards Lane, Slaithwaite, killed in action in France, April 23rd, 1917.

Private TOM LINGARD (21), West Riding Regiment, of Holt Farm, Slaithwaite, killed in action in France, April 22nd, 1917.

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(1) Private TOM RUSSELL WADE (22), Manchester Regiment, whose parents reside at 1, Yew Tree Lane, Cowlersley, Milnsbridge, killed in action in France.

Private ARCHIE HOYLE (25), North Staffordshire Regt., of 3, Chapel Lane, Milnsbridge, died from eneric fever in India on April 9th. His eldest brother, Pte. Joe Harry Hoyle, was killed in action in France in October, 1914.

Private ELLERY P. AINLEY (22), West Riding Regt., of 16, Lowergate, Longwood, killed in action in France, April 11th 1917.

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Lance-Corp. PERCY BILTCLIFFE (21), West Riding Regt., of 3, Argyle St., Marsden, killed in action, may 4th, 1917.

Pte. WILLIE MATLEY (24), West Riding Regiment, of 2, Mount Royd, Binn Road, Marsden, killed in action in France, April 23rd, 1917.

Pte. REDFEARNE (30), West Riding Regiment, of Charles Street, Crosland Moor, killed in action in France, May 4th, 1917.

Pte. EDGAR SMITH (28), West Riding Regiment of Charles Street, Crosland Moor, killed in action in France, April 29th 1917.

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Private WHITWAM HAIGH (28), West Riding Regiment, of 134, Leymoor Road, Golcar, killed in action in France, April 25th, 1917.

Private J. T. WADE (33), Lincolnshire Regiment, of James Street, Golcar, died from wounds received in action in France April 25th, 1917.

Private CLARENCE SINGLETON (19), West Riding Regiment, of 55, Roydhouse, Linthwaite, killed in action in France.

Rifleman THOMAS JAMES BAMFORTH (41), King’s Liverpool Regiment, formerly of Moorside, Slaithwaite, killed in action in France

Private ERNEST THOMPSON (32), West Riding Regiment, of 2 Bull Green Road, Longwood, was killed in action on July 1st 1916. He had previously been reported missing.

News was received in April that Sergt. RAYMOND SHAW (23), was drowned in the Mediterranean on January 1st, 1917.

Capt. CHARLES DYSON, of Honley, director of the firm of Messrs. Joseph Despond and Sons, Ltd., Milnsbridge, was killed in action in France during the advance in April. He was acting as second in command to a battalion of the West Yorkshire Regiment (Leeds Rifles).

Private NORMAN FARNHILL (28), York and Lancs Regiment, of Casson Street, Milnsbridge, after being missing since July 1st, 1916, was officially returned during April as presumed dead.

Private ARCHIBALD CYRIL HOYLE (25), North Staffs. Regt., of 3, Chapel Lane, Milnsbridge, died from eneric fever in India on April 9th 1917.

Private DAVID F. EVANS (22), West Riding Regiment, of 566, Manchester Road, Linthwaite, was killed in action in India on April 11th 1917.

Private ARTHUR LUMB, K. O. Y. L. I., of 21 Mona Street, Hill Top, Slaithwaite, died from wounds received in action in France April 10th, 1917.

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Pte. SYKES DYSON (29), Northumberland Fusiliers, 1, Wood Street, Hill Top, Slaithwaite, killed in action in France, April 9th, 1917.

Pte. CHARLES PEARSON (30), North Staffordshires, of James Street, Golcar, died of wounds received in action in France during April, 1917.

Corporal W. C. NAIN (25), West Riding Regiment, of 5, Stoneycroft Road, Marsden, killed in action in France, May 5th, 1917.

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Sergt. NORRIS H. CROSSLEY (24), West Riding Regiment, of 46, Royd Street, Hill Top, Slaithwaite, killed in action in France, may 3rd, 1917.

Corporal FRED BAXTER (43), West Riding Regiment, of 38, New North Road, Crimble, Slaithwaite, died from wounds received in action, May 12th, 1917.

Private WILLIE HIRST (38), Yorks. And Lancs. Regiment of 79, Swallow Lane, Golcar, killed in action in France, April 22nd.

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Private NORMAN BOOTHROYD (25), West Riding Regt., 3, Barton Road, Crosland Moor, died from wounds received in action in France.

Private WILLIE SYKES (31), West Yorks. Regt., of 38, New Street. Upper Clough, Linthwaite, previously reported missing on October 26th, 1916 now officially reported killed in action.

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Corporal FRANCE SYKES (19), West Riding Regiment of 13, North View Cottage, Marsden, killed in action in France, May 3rd, 1917.

Private ERNEST BAXTER (29), of 7, Coronation Terrace, Handel Street, Golcar, killed in action in France, May 13th, 1917.

Private ALBERT WOOD (32), Northumberland Fusiliers, of 130, Scar Lane, Milnsbridge, killed in action in France, May 17th, 1917.

Private WILLIE FAIRBANK (23), West Riding Regt., of 26, Grange Avenue, Marsden, killed in action in France, May 3rd, 1917.

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Gunner JOSEPH AINLEY, R. F. A., of 2, Bolster Moor, Golcar, died from gunshot wounds, May 24th, 1917.

Pte. ARTHUR ARNOLD MARSDEN, Army Ordinance Corps., of 6, Warrington Terrace, Marsden, died from wounds, May 27th.

Private TOM SYKES (20), Middlesex Regiment, of 11, Sugden’s Buildings, Slaithwaite, died of wounds received in action in France, May 19th, 1917.

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Private SYKES WOOD (27), Manchester Regiment, of 15, Siggott Street, Longwood, killed in action in France, May 26th, 1917.

Private ALBERT WILKINSON (41), Royal Scots Fusiliers, of 333, Radcliffe Road, Crimble, died in hospital at Glasgow, June 10th, 1917.

Private PEARSON QUARMBY, Yorks and Lancaster Regt., of 1, Tom Lane, Crosland Moor, killed in action in France.

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Signaler ARNOLD BUCKLEY (24), R. G. A., of Longwood Gate, Longwood, killed in action in France, may 30th, 1917.

Wireless-operator PERCY CROWTHER (17), of 53, Prospect Road, Longwood, missing and believed drowned, the transport vessel on which he was serving being torpedoed on June 7th, 1917.

Corporal ED. HORACE FORSHAW (21), West Riding Regiment, of 85, Swallow Lane, Golcar, killed in action in France during May.

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Private WOOD VARLEY (30), West Riding Regiment, of Colne View, Slaithwaite, and formerly of Marsden, killed in action in France.

Private GEORGE HERBERT SYKES (23), Hussars of 19, Armitage Road, Milnsbridge, killed in action in France, May 31st, 1917.

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Driver GEORGE E. DYSON, Royal Engineers, of 60, Croft End Hill, Longwood, died of wounds in France, April 4th 1917.

(2) Private JOE WOOD, West Yorkshire Regiment, of Swallow Lane, Golcar, killed in action in France, April 15th, 1917.

(3) Private DAN SMITH, Durham Light Infantry, of 25, Causeway Side, Linthwaite, killed in action in France, April 9th, 1917.

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Corporal ROBERT OWEN (24), Royal Welsh Fusiliers, of 10, Upper Grange, Marsden, killed in action in the Battle of Gaza, Palestine, on March 26th, 1917.

Pte. LEONARD SMITH (19), K. O. L. I., of Purhill Clough, Marsden, killed in action in France on March 18th, 1917.

Private FRED HOYLE (36), K. O. L. I., of Jovil, Linthwaite killed in action in France on April 10th, 1917.

Private FRANK DAWSON (23), of 24, Crosland Road, Thornton Lodge, was killed in action on February 24th, 1917.

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Private TOM HARRISON, West Riding Regiment, of 17, Lane Top, Linthwaite, presumed to be dead after being reported missing since September 3rd, 1916.

Private DYSON BEAUMONT (22), Northumberland Fusiliers, of 7, Spark Street, Longwood, killed in action in France.

Private G. W. HOYLE (39), West Riding Regiment, of 35, Thornhill Road, Longwood, died of wounds received in action, June 18th, 1917.

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Private ROBERT F. PEARSON (34), Yorkshire and Lancashire Regiment, of 19a, Hoylehouse, Linthwaite, killed in action in France, June 28th, 1917.

Private HAROLD BOWER (33), K. O. Y. L. I., High House Green, Linthwaite, killed in action in Flanders.

Private ARNOLD CROWTHER (24), East Yorkshire Regt., of 24, Green Hill, Longwood, killed in France, July 3rd, 1917.

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Private JOE GARSIDE (33), K. O. Y. L. I., of High Street, Scapegoat Hill, Golcar, killed in action in France, June 6th 1917.

Pioneer TOM WRIGLEY (28), Royal Engineers, of 21 Charles Street, Crosland Moor, killed in action in France on July 10th, 1917.

Private HERBERT DYSON, West Riding Regiment, of The Grove, Marsden, died June 17th, in the prisoners’ internment camp at Munster, Westphalia Germany.

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Private PERCY WELLS (19), Royal Welsh Fusiliers, of 11, Spring Street, Marsden, killed in action in France.

Gunner HAROLD HOYLE (27), R. G. A., of 14, Hill Top, Lingards, Slaithwaite, killed in action in France.

Private JOHN RICHARD WHITELEY (33), K. O. Y. L. I., of 75, Wood Top, Slaithwaite, died from gas poisoning in France.

Signaler HILTON SYKES (27), West Riding Regiment, of 116, Town End, Golcar, killed in action in France.

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Private STAFFORD POGSON (33), Tyneside Scottish, of 15, Slantgate, Linthwaite, died of wounds on July 2nd, 1917, in France.

Gunner WALTER SYKES, R. F. A. (20), of Warehouse Hill, Marsden, killed in action in France, July 3rd, 1917.

Private HAROLD PEARSON (29), Yorkshire Regiment, of 48, West End Road, Golcar, killed in action in France.

Private CHARLES HY. GAUNT (30), West Riding Regt., of 3, Lodge, Linthwaite, died in hospital in Germany from wounds received in action in April.

Private LEONARD S. BROOK, Army Cyclist Corps, of Frederick Street, Crosland Moor, who died of gastric troubles in hospital in France.

Private GEORGE HAROLD HICK (24), Rife Brigade, 111, Longwood Gate, Longwood, died of wounds in France in July, 1917.

Private ALBERT WHITWAM (21), King’s Own Scottish Borderers, of 2, Kiln Brow, Golcar, presumed to be dead after being reported wounded and missing since Sept. 3rd, 1916.

Private FARRAR IREDALE (30), Northumberland Fusiliers, of 100, Prospect Road, Longwood, killed in action in France.

Gunner A. WILLIAMSON, Royal Garrison Artillery, son of the late Mr. George Williamson, of Bingley, near Manchester, and a grandson of the late Mr. Henry Pearson, of Golcar, killed in action in France.

Private JOSEPH ALBERT HIRST (32), North Staffordshire Regt., 3, Park Road, Crosland Moor, died from heat stroke.

Private IVAN A. MORTIMER (19), Sherwood Foresters, of Meltham, killed in action in France.

Private ERNEST H. SUTCLIFFE (35), Labour Battalion, of Carr Lane, Slaithwaite, killed in action in France by a stray shell.

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(1) Private COLONEL BROOK (36), West Riding Regiment, 48, Barton Road, Crosland Moor, killed in action in France.

Private ERNEST GIBSON (24), of Hardend, Marsden, died of wounds received in action in France.

Private HERBERT HOLLAND (27), West Riding Regiment, of 202, Dod Lea, Longwood, killed in action in France, August 9th, 1917.

Private JACK RUSSELL (20), Grenadier Guards, of Rob Royd Cottage, Golcar, died of wounds received in action in France.

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Private NORMAN YOUNG (22), West Riding Regiment, of 12, New Buildings, Hardend, Marsden, killed in action, August 11th, 1917.

Private PERCY TAYLOR (19), West Riding Regiment, of 3, Hanging Royd, Wellhouse, Golcar, killed in action.

Private WILLIE NOBLE (19), Royal Fusiliers, of 79, Britannia Road, Milnsbridge, killed in action in France on August 6th, 1917.

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Private GEORGE HAIGH (22), West Riding Regiment, of Slades Road, Golcar, killed in action in France.

Gunner FRED HAIGH R. F. A., Slades Road, Golcar, brother of the above George Haigh both officially reported killed in action within three days. They were the sons of Mr. And Mrs. Charles Haigh.

Private JOHN WM. PARR (39), West Riding Regiment, of 4, Chorley Row, Marsden, killed in France in the early part of May.

Private L. EARNSHAW (32), Lancashire Fusiliers, of Golcar Brow, Meltham, killed in action.

Private CHARLES WM. TOWNEND (34), Northumberland Fusiliers, of 73, Thornhill Road, Longwood, killed in action in France about the middle of August.

Private HARRY WOOD, Northumberland Fusiliers, of 37, Crosland Street, Crosland Moor, previously posted as missing, and officially reported "presumed dead" in September.

Private LEWIS TOWNEND (24), Duke of Wellington’s Regiment, of 117, May Street, Crosland Moor, reported killed in action on May 3rd after being posted as missing for four months.

Corporal MITCHELL BALMFORTH, Reserve Training Battalion, of 41, Frederick Street, Crosland Moor, killed whilst riding a bicycle by colliding with a motor-car near Rugeley Camp.

Captain W. A. BOND, M. C., Yorkshire Light Infantry and Royal Flying Corps., stated in the German list of British losses during July to have been "brought down and is dead." He was described as a wonderful pilot and a magnificent patrol leader. Capt. Bond was the eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. Arthur Bond, of Chesterfield, and formerly of Milnsbridge.

Gunner LAMBERT TAYLOR (34), Canadian Field Artillery, of 24, Cliffe Ash, Golcar, died of wounds.

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Gunner ALFRED CLAY (38), R. G. A., of 64, New North Road, Crimble, Slaithwaite, killed in action July 27th, 1917.

Private GEORGE ATKINSON (33), West Riding Regiment, of 27, Chapel Street, Slaithwaite, killed in action.

Private CHARLEY BAMFORTH (19), Manchester Regiment, of 123, woodsome Glen, Slaithwaite, died of wounds received in action in France.

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Private LEWIS MELLOR (27), A. S. C., M. T., of Linthwaite, died from results of accidental explosion of the petrol tank of a motor lurry in France.

Private ARTHUR SHAW (34), West Riding Regiment, of 57, Town End, Golcar, killed in action in France.

Flight Officer HAROLD S. HOLROYD, R. N. A. S., of 30, Rufford Road, Milnsbridge, killed whilst flying in Lincolnshire.

Driver FRED TINKER SMITH, R. F. A., of 1, Intake, Leymoor, Golcar died of wounds received in action.

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Private FRED BAMFORTH, Yorks, and Lancashire Regt., of Wilberlee, Slaithwaite, killed in action in France, Aug. 11th, 1917.

Private BEN ALLEN WRIGLEY (29), West Riding Regiment, of 62, Spa Mill Terrace, Slaithwaite, killed in action in France.

Private FRANK HOLMES, Royal Irish Rifles, of 11, Siggott Street, Longwood, killed in action in France in August.

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Gunner JOE TAYLOR (33), R. G. A., of Lane, Lingards, Slaithwaite, died in hospital in France, September 13th, 1917.

Private HARRY SHAW (22), Duke of Wellington’s west Riding Regiment, of Hill Top Road, Slaithwaite, killed in action in France, August 27th, 1917.

Sergeant JOE GLEDHILL (26), West Riding Regiment, of 160, Leymoor Road, Golcar, killed in action in France.

Gunner PERCY WM. BLACKBURN (23), R. G. A., of Flathouse, Linthwaite, killed in action in France.

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Corporal DAN SHAW (20), West Riding Regiment, of 32, Golcar Hill, Golcar, died of wounds received in action in France.

Private WALTER BAILEY (37), West Riding Regiment, reported missing after an engagement on the 3rd May, was reported to have been found dead on August 24th, the body having lain on the battlefield for sixteen weeks.

Private GEORGE DYSON (24), K. O. Y. L. I., of 13, Wood Top, Marsden killed in action September 25th, 1916.

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Private HERBERT LEES (24), York and Lancs. Regiment, of 10, Mount pleasant, Wellhouse, Golcar, killed in action in France Sept. 23rd, 1917.

Private FRANK BAMFORTH (26), West Riding Regt., of Union Street, Slaithwaite, killed in action in France.

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Private LEWIS LUNN (30), West Riding Regt., of High Fold Farm, Marsden, died of wounds received in action.

Gunner ARTHUR ROBERTS (20), Royal Field Artillery, of 112, Handel Street, Golcar, killed in action in France, Sept. 22nd, 1917.

Private JOHN WM. SEVILLE (32), Coldstream Guards, of 12, Derby Terrace, Marsden, killed in action in France, Sept. 21st, 1917.

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Private HERBERT COWGILL (28), West Riding Regt., of 16, Hardend Cottages, Marsden, died of wounds received in action in France, October 10th, 1917.

sergeant LISTER W. WALKER (35), West Yorkshire Regt., of Pickle Top, Slaithwaite, Killed in action in France.

Private TOM WILDE (25), Australian Imperial Forces, son of Mr. Jonas Wilde, of Wilde Brow, Linthwaite, died of wounds received in action in France.

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Private TOM PARKIN (32), West Riding Regiment, of Green Bottom, Booth, Slaithwaite, died of wounds received in action in France, Oct. 10th, 1917.

Lance-Corporal BEN HANSON (28), K. O. Y. L. I., of Church Street, Longwood, died of wounds in France, October 6th, 1917.

Private WILLIE BEAUMONT (23), Machine Gun Corps, of 35, Barton Road, Crosland Moor, killed in action in France, October 9th, 1917.

Lance-Corporal HARRY MILNES (29), Machine Gun section, Northumberland Fusiliers, of 63, Leymoor Road, Golcar, killed in action in France.

Private PERCY TAYLOR (24), Army Service Corps (Motor Transport Section) eldest son of Mr. George Wm. Taylor, motor Haulage contractor, Crosland Moor, died of wounds received in action in France.

Private ALBERT EDWARD EVERETT (24), West Riding Regiment, of 44, Rufford Road, Scar Lane, Milnsbridge, killed in action in France in October.

Private JACK ROBERTSHAW, West Riding Regt., who lived with Mr. And Mrs. Simeon Quarmby, at Broad Oak Farm, killed in action in France.

Private TOM BAKER (27), West Riding Regt., of 17, Gladstone Buildings, Marsden, accidentally drowned whilst on active service in France.

Private A. W. WHITWAM, Durham Light Infantry, of 88, Swallow Lane, Golcar, killed in action in France, Sept. 20th, 1917.

Private JOHN HAIGH CROSSLEY, Machine Gun Corps, of 146, Manchester Road, Milnsbridge, killed in action in France, Sept. 20th, 1917.

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Captain HAROLD ERNEST WHITWAM (27), West Riding Regiment, eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. Joe Whitwam, Clifton House, Golcar, killed in action in France, Oct. 9th, 1917.

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Private B. HOBSON, A. S. C., of the Grove, Binn Road, Marsden, died in East Africa from fever, Sept. 6th, 1917.

Gunner WALKER WOOD (30), Royal Field Artillery, of Union street, Hill Top, Slaithwaite, killed in action in France early in October, 1917.

Private TOM ROBINSON, who previous to joining the forces was a police-constable stationed at Scammonden, and hailed from Kendal, Westmoreland, died of wounds received in action in France.

Driver THOMAS TYSON (21), R. F. A., of Golcar Brow, Meltham, accidentally drowned whilst on active service.

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Armourer A. E. WHITWAM (28), of H. M. Navy, of 26, The Avenues, Myrtle Road, Golcar, drowned at sea, Oct, 2nd, 1917.

Lance-Corporal WILLIE LOCKWOOD (23), West Riding Regiment, of 13, Spring Street, Marsden, killed in action in France, October 11th, 1917.

Sergeant HARRY BROOK (23), W. R. Regt., of 28 Royds Terrace, Marsden, killed in action in France, Oct. 7th, 1917.

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Bombardier ARNOLD CAMPNETT (32), of Royds End, Linthwaite, killed in action in France, Oct. 4th, 1917.

Private WALKER HEAP (20), W. R. Regt., of Bank View, Blackmoorfoot, killed in action in France, Oct. 9th, 1917.

Gunner LESLIE VARLEY (24), R. F. A., of Grange Avenue, Marsden, killed in action in France, October 20th, 1917.

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Private J. W. WOOD (35), Machine Gun Corps. Of Grange Cottages, Marsden, killed in action in France.

Private NORRIS GRANGE (19), West Yorkshire Regt., Spring Terrace, Radcliffe Road, Golcar, died of wounds received in action.

Private HAROLD DYSON (21), West Riding Regiment, of Scarborough Terrace, Golcar, killed in action in France. October 7th, 1917.

Corporal TOM WOOD (20), West Riding Regiment, of 61, Fern House, Golcar, killed in action in France.

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Private JAMES CHORLTON (35), of 13, new North Road, Crimble, Slaithwaite, killed in action in France

Private PERCY DYSON (39), Nothumberland Fusiliers, who lived with his brother at Stonefield Terrace, Manchester Road, Milnsbridge, died of malarial fever at Sakonika, Oct. 31st, 1917.

Private JOHN T. GLEDHILL (33), of Knowl Road, Golcar, died in one of the prison camps in Germany.

Private ARTHUR FREDERICK BOULTON (27), West Riding Regiment, of 63, Lightcliffe Road, Crosland Moor, killed whilst in acting as stretcher-bearer.

Gunner BERT IREDALE (20), R. F. A., of 27, Cliffe End, Road, Longwood, killed in action in France.

Private HUBERT HAVELOCK BEAUMONT (25), of Shamrock House, Manchester Road, Milnsbridge, killed in action in France.

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Private NORMAN HORNCASTLE (23), Northumberland Fusiliers, Royds Terrace, Marsden, killed in action in France, Oct. 16, 1917.

Ordinance-Seaman JAMES BAMFORTH (20), of H. M. Navy, of 15, Booth Banks, Slaithwaite, lost at sea, October 21st, 1917.

Private HILTON DYSON (28), Yorkshire Regt., of 31, Bridge Street, Slaithwaite, killed in action in France, Oct. 19th. 1917.

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Second-Lieutenant FRANK LOCKWOOD (18), son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson Lockwood, of Craig Side, Milnsbridge, killed in a flying accident in Lincolnshire on November 4th, 1917.

Corporal W. A. HARROLD (25), Royal Engineers, of Thornhill Road, Longwood, killed in action in France.

Private WILLIAM BOTTOMLEY (26), Royal London Regt., of 6, Victoria Terrace, Marsden, killed in action in France, Oct 26th, 1917.

Lance-Corporal WILLIAM HENRY TANN (23), Machine Gun Company, of 11, John Street, Milnsbridge, killed in action in France, Nov. 17th, 1917.

Private FRED KEWLEY (20), West Riding Regiment, of Holme Mills, Marsden, died at Cassel, Germany, in an internment camp.

Gunner FRANK WALKER (40), Royal Artillery, of Carlton Terrace, Golcar, killed in action in France, Nov. 12th, 1917.

Corporal CHARLES HENRY RAPER (21), West Riding Regiment, of Hullet Hall, Scammonden, died of wounds received in action in France Nov. 15th, 1917.

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Gunner THOMAS WILKINSON (30), R. F. A., 9, Back Fold, Upper Clough, Linthwaite, killed in action in France.

Rifleman WILLIE NAYLOR (28), King’s Royal Rife Corps, of 52, Carr Lane, Slaithwaite, died of wounds in action in France.





On Dec. 20th, 1916, Major A. W. ROY MALLINSON, Army Service Corps., son of the late Mr. Alexander Mallinson, and late of the firm of Messrs. Hirst and Mallinson, Golcar, was invested with the Military Cross by the King at Buckingham Palace.

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C. S. M. THOMAS S. FERRIOR, King’s Liverpool Regiment son of Mr. J. T. Ferrier, of Yew tree House, Slaithwaite, mentioned for gallant conduct in Sir Douglas Haig’s dispatches.

For special services, Sergt. PETER McGUCKIAN, Royal Engineers, of Crowther Cottage, Marsden, was awarded the Military Medal, his name appearing in the "London Gazette" of Dec. 14th, 1916.

Bomb. WILTON GUDGER (21) R. F. A., of 22, Grove St., Hill Top, Slaithwaite, awarded the Military Medal for meritorious conduct and conspicuous bravery.

Private FRED FOX, son of Police-constable Fox, some years ago stationed at Slaithwaite, the eldest of three brothers who were prominent members of the Slaithwaite Swimming Club many years ago, was awarded the Russian Medal of St. George (3rd class.) He had previously been awarded the D. C. M. for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty as stretcher bearer during four days of fighting.

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Gunner LUMB, R. G. A., of 2a, Cliffe End, Longwood, awarded the Franch Cross de Guerre. In the certificate accompanying the honour he is described as a "Fine and gallant soldier, belonging to a battery which has distinguished itself by its accurate fire."

Driver WILLIE HORTON (23), R. F. A., of 678, West Mount, Manchester Road, Linthwaite, awarded Military Medal for conspicuous gallantry in the field.

Lieut. J. S. PEARSON, A. S. C. of Cliffe Ash, Golcar, awarded the Croise de Guerre for distinguished service in the field.

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Bombardier TEDDY CHARLESWORTH, of the Royal Field Artillery, awarded the Military Medal for conspicuous bravery on the field under heavy shell fire on May 3rd, 1917.

Private HERBERT LOUGHRAN (21), Northumberland Fusiliers, of 69, Coronation Terrace, Handel Street, Golcar, awarded Military Medal for heroic work in rescuing a machine gun under very heavy shell fire.

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Private E. COLDWELL, York and Lancaster Regiment awarded the Military Medal for great devotion to duty on the 29th of September, 1916. He is the son of Mrs. F. Coldwell, 13, Mount Royd, Binn Road, Marsden.

Private H. BIBBY (23), Transport Section west Riding Regt., of 6, Gorden Terrace, Linthwaite, awarded the Military medal. He was in charge of a G. S. limbered waggon when his side horse was hit and killed underneath him. He then held the pole and led the remaining horse a distance of one and a half miles to deliver the load.

Corporal CLARENCE KNOWLES (22), R. F. A., of Town End, Golcar, awarded the Military Medal for gallantry and devotion to duty in action on the 14th of April, 1917.

Sapper LEVI BAMFORTH, Royal Engineers, of 19, Upper Holme, Slaithwaite, was mentioned in dispatches "for carrying a wounded comrade over the top of the trench to the dressing station under very heavy shell fire."

In a list of Military Medallists for N. C. O.’s and men killed in action appeared the name of the late Sergt. GEORGE WARWICK, West Riding Regiment, who was killed in action in July, 1916. Sergt. Warwick was a Marsden man, but had resided in Bradford a short time before the outbreak of war.

Private J. E. HOLT (29), Cheshire Regiment, 7, Central Buildings, Milnsbridge, awarded the Military medal for carrying his wounded officer on his back to the dressing station, through shot and shell, an operation which took him two and a half hours.

Lance-Corporal FRANK MALLINSON, West Riding Regiment, of Nabcroft Lane, Crosland Moor, awarded Military Medal for conspicuous bravery on the battlefield.

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Lieut. HILTON FURNESS, West Riding Regiment, of Slaithwaite awarded the Military Cross for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty on the field of action.

Corporal ERNEST MALLINSON (21), R. F. A., of Slades, Linthwaite, awarded the Military medal for distinguished conduct in action.

Private SAM NELSON, West Riding Regiment, of 220, Longwood Road, Longwood, awarded the Military Medal "for very good work in the field".

Private ALBERT JACKSON, of 8, Oxley Square, Mount, Longwood, awarded the Military Medal for gallantry whilst acting as company runner during action.

Lieut. WHITEHEAD, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Whitehead, of Oldham, whose family are closely associated with Marsden by birth and tradition, awarded the Military Cross for conspicuous bravery with the Machine Gun Corps.

Lance-Corporal ARTHUR DYSON (22), West Riding Regiment, awarded the Military medal for taking command of his platoon and reorganizing it under heavy shell fire. He is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Dyson, of Hey Farm, Scammonden.

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(1) Private J. E. PHILBERN (21), Seaforth highlanders, of 14, Upper Grange, Marsden, awarded Military Medal for gallantry in the field of action.

Sergeant HILDRED ALLEN (20), West Riding Regiment, of Longwood, formerly of Hill Top, Slaithwaite, awarded the Military Medal.

Lance-Corporal FRANK WOOD (21), West Riding Regiment, of 17, Royds Terrace, Marsden, awarded the Military medal for rallying his section though himself wounded, and leading his men to the attack with great vigor.

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Sergeant RAWCLIFFE HORTON (33), W. R. R., of 678, West Mount, Manchester Road, Linthwaite, awarded the Military Medal.

Private ALBERT BRADBURY (22), West Riding Regiment, of Eastwood Mount, Mount Road, Marsden, on several occasions performed duties as battalion linesman under very heavy shell fire, and was awarded the Military Medal.

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Private PHILIP SYKES TAYLOR (19), York and Lancs. Regt., of 2, Queen’s Road, Milnsbridge, awarded Military medal for conspicuous gallantry whilst acting as company runner.

Private GEOFFREY WILLIAMS, Machine Gun Corps, of 13, Taylor’s Avenue, Town End, Golcar, awarded the Military Medal.

Private Edward Dyson, (20), 4th Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment who died 9th November 1918.  He was the son of Law and Hannah Dyson of 2 Mona Street, Slaithwaite buried in the Bougnies Communal Cemetery, Belgium.